Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fancy Nancy B-day Party

Emily and I went to the most adorable Fancy Nancy Birthday party today.  It was for Claire who is my cousin's daughter, we go to church with them and they are in our bible study group too, so we have been close, it's so nice.

At the party Emily decorated a tiara and wand with stickers, gathered treats from a pinata, listened to a Fancy Nancy story time, enjoyed snacks and of course cake and ice cream.  Also, she liked to play with Claire's baby dolls and toys.  

One of these pictures is at home, I got a cute one of Emily with her tiara on, of course she has already peeled off the stickers, so it's not as fancy as it was.

Emily skipped her nap and seems to be doing well, we are praying for a good night sleep tonight, maybe she'll go to bed early.  :)

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