Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Daddy Time at Jungle Java

When Jim got home last night he wanted to take Emily some place and do something.  In just the last couple of weeks we have started taking Emily to the Treehouse which is an indoor play structure and one night Jim took Emily to Jungle Java.  We have been amazed at how much she can do, and she doesn't seem scared of anything, even going down the big slides by herself!

Here are a few pictures of their adventure at Jungle Java (Treehouse was closed).  

I stayed home and baked Carrot Cake Muffins, I got the recipe from Deceptively Delicious, hopefully Emily will eat them.   They have only 1/4 cup of sugar and have carrot and cauliflower puree plus chopped up prunes and apricots.  I can not remember being home alone since I had Emily, it was a nice break and I got lots done, but I also wished I could see her running around at Jungle Java.

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