Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Play date with Sarina

Last Friday we went over to my friend Marji's house. The girls had a blast playing together. Of course they were having the most fun right when it was time to leave. Isn't that how it works?

Here is Sarina (2) with Mary (5 months).
Sarina, Mary & Emily
Notice Mary and Emily have matching outfits on. Their shirts are from grandma and grandpa and say "I'm cute, my mom is cute, and my dad is lucky."
Having a tea party.
Dress up time - hopping around the room like bunnies.
Emily was the leader and was always telling Sarina what to do, I guess you could say she was a little bossy. Luckily Sarina didn't mind and actually thought it was funny.

Marji and I used to work together and we both got our MBA's from Wayne State University. It's so nice getting together with a friend with the same professional background, so we can talk about career and work stuff. Marji also comes to speak to my class once a semester.

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