Friday, November 12, 2010

Making Vegetable Soup at Preschool

Thursday Mary and I helped out at Emily's preschool. The teacher asked me to help make Vegetable Soup to go along with the book the kids were reading called "Growing Vegetable Soup." I made the soup at home and then took it into class so the kids could add to the soup.

After we read the book together each child added a vegetable to the soup and stirred the soup.
Emily adding carrots to the soup.
Emily stirred the soup.
Yum, this is good soup! Emily and Blake eating their soup.
Lining up for the next activity.
Emily was working with Ethan on the blocks.
A traffic jam at recess.
Emily on the red bouncy ball and Blake playing dress up.
Circle time before being dismissed.

It was a lot of fun to see what they do at preschool. I wasn't the best helper seeing I had Mary with me and she took up a little bit of attention until she feel asleep at recess.

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