Sunday, May 16, 2010

More Birthday Celebration

After church today we decided to give Emily the presents we got her for her Birthday.  Emily's Birthday is Thursday, but who knows if the baby will arrive before then.  Hopefully it doesn't come until the planned c-section on Friday morning at 10am.  

Emily wore her Birthday dress to church today, you don't get to wear it but once a year, so she has worn it several times this week.  I actually bought the dress last year, and it fits again this year, what a bonus!

Opening her first present ...
Yeah, a Dora Wii game!
Trying on her new hat, darn too small (and it's a 3-4 from Gymboree)!
Opening up the clothes
I like it!

Emily got a few new outfits from Gymboree which I bought on clearance after Christmas.  She also got the Dora Wii game and a Leapster.   I bought the Leapster on Black Friday at Kohl's on clearance and the Dora Wii game I found on clearance at TJ Max.  Good thing I shopped for about 6 months for her Birthday, I saved a bundle.

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