Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mary & Emily in their Sunday Best!

It was so fun picking out dresses for the girls today for church.  It's going to be so fun dressing them in matching outfits and dresses.  Mary's outfit had a matching hat, but it was too big so she didn't wear it at church.  

During church we have a time when you greet everyone around you and shake hands.  Mary was getting so much attention that Pastor asked us to bring her up front so everyone could see her.  He said he couldn't compete with a new baby.  So I introduced her to the church and everyone clapped and then I introduced big sister Emily who came up there with me and everyone clapped again.  It was really nice.  Mary was an angel in church, I took her out to nurse but then she feel asleep and slept most of the service.

The dress Mary is wearing was a dress I got from my co-workers when they threw we a surprise baby shower when I was pregnant with Emily.

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