Thursday, October 1, 2009

Family Fun

We went to my parents on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed pretty much the last nice sunny 70 degree day.  Emily loves to run around the farm and go out to the pond to feed the fish.  She was so funny, she kept telling "pa pa" and "grandma" to "run with me!"  And of course they did, when she wasn't looking they might walk a few steps like my dad was here.

Yesterday we are driving in the car and we were talking about the sun, it was a cloudy morning and the sun was behind the clouds.  Emily said "Sun didn't come out today?  Must be still sleeping."  It's fun to see her put thoughts together and have conversation now.  I can't remember if I have already posted this, but one of the things she does now is ask "What are you doing?" several times a day.  I am just thinking the next question will be "why?" I haven't gotten that question yet!

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