Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for, the list is endless.  Last night at church we received a leaf when we walked in the door and we were asked to put what we were thankful for on it and then we hung them on a tree.  My leaf was full to the max, our family has been blessed with so much, family, friends, financial stability, health, God's love, food, shelter, clothes, etc.

Today we went over to my Aunt Joyce's house and had an abundance of wonderful food.  Here are a few pictures from today.  Emily was extremely tired today because she stay up late last night for my brother's surprise 40th Birthday party, and of course she didn't sleep in.  The top picture was at the end of today's gathering and way past her nap time.  I thought it was so cute how she is snuggled up to her daddy sucking her thumb.  The middle picture is of my brother Dave and my sister Linda.

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