Sunday, August 3, 2008

Emily's First Camping Trip

This weekend we went camping, and I think some people thought we were crazy.  I had images of Emily getting really dirty crawling around the ground, and worried about bug bites and rashes.  Luckily those things didn't happen.  She had a great time, in fact so much fun she didn't want to go to bed on Friday night.  After about 3 hours of trying to get her to go to sleep, we decided to come home and put her to bed in her crib.  

On Saturday morning we went back to the campsite and spent the day there  - swimming, playing, eating, singing campfire songs (which Emily loved) and of course Emily took a few naps.  Yesterday went very well, we decided to come home at bedtime and that we didn't want to spend 3 hours in the tent again.  

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