Friday, August 1, 2008

Emily loves her hats!

Emily just loves her hats, she is always wanting to put them on, and she keeps them on too.   I hope she doesn't change, because she is so cute with a hat on.  Here she has her bonnet on.  I think she looks so sweet and innocent here, but don't let her fool you, she gets in trouble too.  Her latest thing is to throw toys over the banister from our upstairs loft so they land downstairs.  I'm not sure how we'll get her to stop this one unless we put up something so she simply can't do it.

Emily has taken a few steps here and there over the last 2 weeks, but is not quite walking on her own yet.  

She is saying new words every day, it's so funny, some are unprompted, like the other day when I walked in from her nap she said poop, she told me she pooped and she had!  I guess I need to get out the potty and see if she'll use it.  

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