Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chelsea Fair

This morning we went to the Chelsea Fair.  When Emily got up I told her we were going to the fair to see animals.  She made animal noises pretty much the entire time until we got there - Moo, Neigh, Baa, to name a few.  Here is a picture of her with her friends Josie and Jack.  Of course it's hard to get a good picture of toddlers who don't want to be in their strollers.  :)

The kids enjoyed the fair, although Emily cried a little when the rooster kept crowing (we were a little close).  She doesn't like loud animals, and she is a little shy like her mom.  ;)

There are a couple of things I am learning as a new mom:

1.  You can't control your child no matter how hard you try.  (A little challenging for a planner like me who likes to be in control.)
2.  You can't have enough patience.  (Enough said)

We have a REALLY good baby too, so I shouldn't complain, we have been very blessed.

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