Monday, January 24, 2011

Weidmayer Christmas party at our house

On December 18th we hosted my dad's side of the family at our house.

Here are the kids - Liam, Caleb & Emily decorating their table cloth and making place mats.
Grandma, Linda & Mary
Mom with Amy
Dad with his brother Eldean
Grandma with Mary
The kids enjoyed watching Christmas shows on TV - Johanna, Caleb, Josh & Emily.
Liam built a great wall with the blocks.
Dinner time - Grandma, Bob, Jackie, Amy, Fred, Linda & Carolyn
Gary, Karen, Greg, Jim, Melanie & Dad

We had a great time and a wonderful ham that grandma bought and we baked from Plum Market. We got a good one with no nitrates or additives. Afterward I made spilt pea and ham soup with the bone -yum!

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