Monday, January 24, 2011

Opening Christmas Presents

The girls had a blast opening up Christmas presents this year, especially Emily.

Here is Emily helping Mary open her present from Grandma Jane.
I got it mom! Mary loves the ribbons.
Mary was so excited about the wrapping paper.
Jim was excited over his new kitchen tool (and me too). A hand held blender/chopper.
Emily was so excited to get her American Girl Doll Brave Emily!
Emily kissing her doll as Grandma Jane watches on. Thanks Grandma Jane!
Emily reading her book about her doll.
Grandma Jane and Emily played Hello Kitty Bingo.
Santa brought Emily a lap top computer! It has a mouse just like mommy's computer!
Daddy helped Mary open up her presents!
Mary do you like your picture?
Mary also got letters to hang on her wall

Jim got new shoes, pants, beer and a Wii game.
I must have been a good girl this year, I got new blue earrings from Emily. A silver chain from Jim and a wii fit game.
I got some great gifts from my mother-in-law too, I got new cricuit cartilages which Emily and I have been having so much fun with, throw pillows that match our curtains (Jane made both the pillows and the curtains), and a new baby food cookbook.

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