Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Emily's First Day of Preschool

Today is Emily's first day of Preschool.   She was so excited and ready to go!  I curled her hair and she had a yogurt and ham for breakfast, so she was ready!  

Check out my backpack!  Look familiar?  It was handed down from Aunt Sarah!
When we got to Preschool Emily found her name and hung her backpack and sweatshirt on her hook.  Emily used the bathroom and then we did the question of the day.  The question was what is your favorite color?  We put Emily's name up next to blue.  Emily asked for a hug and kiss goodbye, she kissed me and Mary and we left.  NO CRYING!  I couldn't believe she didn't cry, she has been crying when I leave her at Sunday School or other places.  But we have been talking about Preschool for MONTHS, so I think she was ready.  I know she'll do great, but wow do I miss her, the house is almost too quiet!

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