Saturday, August 7, 2010

Zoo Pictures without the Animals

I was brave yesterday and took the girls to the zoo by myself.  We'll not really by myself, we met my friend Cathy and her daughter Emilia there.  Emily was really good and exceeded my expectations.  When we were with Cathy Emily rode in their wagon, but Emily did do a lot of walking before and after we met up with them.  Especially in the afternoon after Cathy and Emilia had left I was glad Emily kept up even though she was very tired.

Wow, look at those seals!  (in the tunnel) - Cathy, Emilia (1) & Emily
Emilia & Emily looking at the Kangaroo's
When I was nursing Mary before we went home Emily kept posing for pictures, she actually brought me the camera to take pictures of her!
Mary looking up at me, she is so adorable!
Emily took a picture of Mary and I.

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