Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick or Treat

This morning we showed up at my grandmother's for a surprise trick or treat, Emily was in her costume again today.  Here is a picture of Emily again taking grandma toys.  

Also, my cousin Diane stopped by with her daughter Claire, here is Emily and Claire playing with the ball popper.  Claire has these adorable braids in, I can't wait to do that kind of stuff with Emily's hair.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Emily has a little bit of a cold so we stayed home today from play group and story time at the library.  I thought this was a sweet picture of her playing peek-a-boo in her tunnel this morning.  Pray that her cold is gone by Friday so she can go trick or treating for her first time.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Emily's First Masterpiece

Emily has started to like coloring, well maybe she likes the crayons better than coloring.  She will spend about 30 seconds scribbling like the drawing above, and will spend 10 minutes putting the crayons in and out of the crayon box.  

Clown Outfit

Daddy calls this my clown outfit ...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

We Surprised Daddy at Work

Surprise!  Tomorrow Jim's work is having a Halloween celebration, unfortunately we can't attend because we have a wedding.  I didn't want Jim to miss out on showing off his adorable daughter at work, so we surprised him and showed up today in costume.  Here is Emily enjoying some of the festivities a day early.  She fell asleep on the way home, but wouldn't go back to sleep.  This the second day of her taking a very short nap in the car.  Sorry the pictures aren't in the right order, Emily is getting into things while I try and post these adorable pictures.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Baby Cows!

Today we went back to the Horning farm to see their cows.  Blake calls the calves baby cows and was so excited yelling "baby cows!"  Then we saw "bigger cows" and "big cows."  They have several hundred cows, all different sizes and ages.  Emily and Blake had a great time.

My buddy Luke

Here are a couple of pictures of Emily with her friend Luke.  Emily enjoyed playing with him yesterday and checking out all of his toys.  Emily is a couple of months older than him, and when they were little Emily was much bigger, but Luke is catching up and the differences now seem small.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Enjoying the Fall Weather

Yesterday we had our friends Abbe, Tom & Hunter over and we went for a walk, it was such a nice day.  Here is a picture of our entire family including our dog Lucy.  

Lucy doesn't make it in a lot of pictures because she likes to be outside most of the time, it will be interesting this winter with her inside more and Emily mobile.  Lucy tries to stay clear of Emily when she is in the house, but Emily follows her everywhere.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Play Date

Today we had a play date with some friends from High School and their children.  Emily is going through this stage where she is very clingy and has some stranger anxiety.  She was a little overwhelmed at first, but after a couple of hours she was hugging her new friends and squealing with delight.  

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Visit with Great Grandma

Here are a couple of pictures from our visit today with Great Grandma and my cousin Amy.  Unfortunately Amy is not in any of the pictures.  It's so nice being close to family and getting a chance to get together and visit.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Swim Lessons

On Wednesday mornings we do swim lessons in Dexter with our friends Julie, Erik & Blake.  There are eight children ranging from 10 months old to 3 years old.  The goal is for the children to love the water, so we do fun things like circle time and sing songs while bobbing  in the water.  The children lay on their backs and kick while we pull them across the warm small pool.  We do humpty dumpty sat on a wall, and the hokey pokey too.  In the picture above we were just getting into the water, Erik and Blake are on the right.

Play Group at Church

Here Emily is enjoying play group at our church.  We have open play, it's the first time she has played with play-doh, and she liked it!  After open play we have snacks and story time, then we do a project and end with singing.  She really enjoyed it, she was a little young for a few of the things, her attention span is VERY short these days.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Brushing My Teeth

Emily wants to do everything herself now, here she is brushing her teeth.  She is not too bad at brushing her 9 teeth, I think it feels good on her gums too.  It looks like she will have more teeth popping through any minute.

I had to include the bottom picture so you could see her cute pigtails she has in today.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We Almost Got a Cat

This weekend Jim has been taking care of the neighbors animals - horses, dog and cats.  Emily and I have been going over there when he does the evening feedings.  She just loves their kittens which are getting a lot bigger.  The one kitten kept jumping in the stroller with Emily when we were leaving, it must have done it 3 or 4 times.  It was cute at first and I snapped a few pictures, of course Emily loved it and you can see her hugging the kitty.  Then the cat though it was a game and finally I had to set it down and just start running away with the stroller for us to get home with no cat.

Take Time to Smell the Flowers

Here are a few cute pictures of Emily in front of our flowers last night.  It was such a beautiful October day, we went for a walk and enjoyed the outdoors.

Basketball with Daddy

Here is a picture of Emily and Jim playing basketball at our neighbors, she can't dribble yet, but she does bounce it pretty well.  :)  I hope she plays sports.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Who is Having More FUN?

I had to share a couple of pictures of Jim playing with Emily before bed the last couple of nights.  Emily has so much fun with her daddy, I really enjoy watching them together.  Of course he is more playful and silly than me.  

Emily gets so excited when he gets home from work too!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Adrian College Homecoming

Can you believe that today was my 10 year reunion for Adrian College.  I can't believe I am old enough to be out of college 10 years, but I guess I have done a lot and changed in the last 10 years.  

We didn't get a chance to make it to most of the festivities, we headed to Adrian late this afternoon in hopes we would be taking a well rested toddler after a long nap.  Nope, Emily decided not to take a nap today and so we only stay for a short time at Adrian.  They have a lot for children, zoo on the move with many animals, jumping things, games, etc.  

We stopped by the faculty tent to say hi to a few professors in the business school.  I will be joining them in January teaching Principles of Marketing one night a week (6-8:30pm).  I am looking forward to teaching and spending time on my old stomping ground.  Adrian has changed since I have been there; the enrollment was less than 1,000 when I went to Adrian, and now its pushing 1600.  They have updated many facilities and added several new buildings, I hardly recognized the place.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

After the Hair Cut

I got a request for a few pictures showing the final hair cut - here they are.  Not too much of a change.  :)

Emily's First Hair Cut

Today was Emily's first hair cut.  She was a little unsure and sorta pouty about the whole thing.  My cousin Amy did her hair cut, and did a great job.  We just trimmed the ends, evening out the front and back.  Great Grandma took the pictures, it was her first time using a digital camera and many years since she had taken any pictures, she did a great job too!  I would have taken the pictures, but Emily was timid so she sat on my lap for the hair cut.  Don't worry daddy we didn't any length off, and she still looks like our little baby.  (Jim didn't think we should have her hair cut yet.)