Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mary's in Preschool!

Mary goes to the Co-op Preschool in the 3's class.  On her first day it was constitution day for Emily's school so Mary also dressed in red, white &  blue.  This was her pose!

She sported her princess back pack from her God mother Diane.

Here is Mary with the class pet.

Mary is leading the calendar in this picture on day 2 of school!

Counting the days in September until the 19th!

Picking sunny on the weather wheel.  It's always sunny with Mary!  She loves it - especially the dinosaur song (which goes along with the theme)!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Emily is in 1st grade!

Can you believe Emily is in 1st grade?

So you ask what does Emily like to do?
-Biking (without training wheels)
-Playing house with her sister Mary
-Board games
-Mario on the Wii with her daddy
-Video games on the iPad

Emily is getting so grown up.  She is great at helping with her two sisters and especially loves to cuddle Amy.  The first thing Emily does when she gets off the school bus is come home, wash her hands and then hold Amy.

These pictures are from the first day of school this year!

Amy Jane is 5 months old

Everywhere we go people comment on how happy Amy is.  She is one of the happiest babies I have ever seen!  Amy is such a blessing because she smiles constantly.  

Amy also is rolling around and so we have to be careful where we leave her that she doesn't get something she shouldn't.

Amy also likes to suck her thumb like her big sister Emily.  The above duck is one of Amy's favorite things to play with - that along with her big sisters Mary & Emily.