Thursday, August 15, 2013

Amy is 4 months old!

Amy is getting so big as you can see.  At 4 months old she weighed in at 13 pounds and 12 ounces which is about the 40 percentile.  Amy is a great mix of both Emily and Mary.

Amy loves to stick her tongue out when she smiles and she by far is my most vocal baby with lots of coos and squeals.  As one friend said she has to be loud to be heard over her two big sisters.

Amy seems the most alert and mobile so far.  She is not mobile but does scoot on her back on the floor and is always pushing up to a stand on our lap.  Amy does not sit still for long and requires much more attention than Mary did at this age.  Mary was more laid back and content.  Amy sometimes cries in the car and doesn't like to go in her car seat already!

 The above two pictures are from the girls patiently waiting at the hair salon.  I got my hair colored and Emily and Mary both got their hair cut.  So we were there for about 1.5 hours.  Amy was great!

Emily and Mary are both excellent helpers and I am not sure what I will do in a few weeks when they go to school (Emily 1st grade and Mary preschool).  For now we will enjoy our summer with lots of bike rides, the zoo, and going swimming.