Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy 4th of July!


We went to my brother's in Indy for July 4th.  The kids had a great time at the park, fireworks at the Blast on the Bridge and boating!  It's so much fun making memories and spending time together.

Amy is 3 Months Old!


Amy is really starting to change and grow.  She is so much fun!  We ended up having a doctor's appointment while in Indy visiting my brother for the 4th of July and they said she looks great!  Amy had a cough and it ended up just being a cold.  It's scary to hear them cough when they are so young and we wanted to make sure it wasn't in her lungs.  At the visit Amy weighed 12 pounds 13 ounces which is in the 68 percentile so she is really growing.

Amy still has a curl in her hair and it appears a little curly but it's still so early to tell.

Amy Jane is 2 Months Old!

Amy is two months old already.  She is more like Mary is size but Emily in personality.  At her 2 month visit she weighed 11 pounds 12 ounces which is in the 62% and is 22.25 inches long which is in the 39% for height.

Amy is already a thumb sucker just like her big sister Emily.  She is very laid back and easy going like Mary was as a baby.  Amy has a strong neck and loves to look around and doesn't want to miss anything.  Amy enjoys being entertained by her two older sisters and for some reason Emily seems to get the biggest smiles from Amy.

You may notice in the pictures that Amy has a curl on the top of her head.  I am still hoping for one daughter with curly hair!

Mary Louise is 3 & a Big Sister Now!

Mary Louise our middle daughter turned 3 on May 21st.  She came with me to the newborn photo shoot of Amy the end of April and we got one picture with the proud big sister.

Mary is so much fun.  She loves play-doh, singing, running, jumping and of course her yellow blankie. Mary was really easy at age two and always went with the flow.  Right before she became a big sister she started to get more opinionated but also has much more personality too.  Mary will swing her arm as she struts around the house.

This year her blue eyes turned brown like her mommies.  We are still waiting for the curls.

At the 3 year visit Mary weighed 28 pounds (23%) and was 36.7 inches tall (40%).  Mary takes after her mommy and isn't going to be too big or tall.