Monday, June 30, 2008

Emily loves Animals!

We went over to our cousins/neighbors last night and Emily just loved their animals.  She was petting the goats, lambs, steers, cow, and pigs.  Emily is not scared of any animal (yet)!  Our next door neighbors have horses and she likes to pet them too.  Last night the cow was licking her hand and she loved it, in fact she had to blow the animals kisses too.  

Here is a picture of her saying baa for the lambs and one of her touching the baby goat.  

Sunday, June 29, 2008

In Emily's Kitchen

Jim had a good idea today, he thought we should bring the kitchen set that I bought at a Mom 2 Mom sale up from the basement.  I never would have guessed that she could reach the microwave, when I bought it a few months ago it seemed SO BIG, but she loves it!  Here she is reaching to get Jim's Diet Coke (not open yet) out of her microwave, yes she is standing on her tip toes.  So cute!  

Did you know that at one year of age Emily is half of my height?  She was 32 inches at her appointment and I am 5' 4" tall.  I bet she is going to be taller than me.  

 She can be very serious when she is cooking, as you will notice in the first picture.

Emily's Shopping Cart

Emily is so cute pushing around this little shopping cart with her baby in the front.  She stops to put things in the cart or take them out.  The best part is she stops to give her baby doll kisses, it's adorable!  Mmmmah!  Emily loves to give kisses ...
  •  she gives us kisses
  •  she kisses herself in the mirror
  •  kisses her toys
  •  kisses her books
  •  kisses her stuffed animals
  •  kisses her friends
  •  ETC

Blowing a Kiss

I had to share this picture, we were leaving for church today and Emily was blowing a kiss to her daddy.  We tried to get a cute picture of her all dressed up but she wasn't interested.

She sure squirms a lot in church, she is so active now, that she hates to sit still.  Her favorite part is the music and seeing her friends.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Is this my baby?

I had to share this picture from yesterday.  I can't believe my baby is sitting at her own picnic table!  She enjoys sitting at it while I get the hose out to cool off Lucy our 2 year old yellow lab.  Lucy runs around crazy while I spray her off with the hose, of course she loves it, she is a lab and all labs love water.  Emily sits at her picnic table laughing at Lucy.  

Emily much prefers her picnic table over sitting on the grass.  When I plop her on the lawn she lifts up both legs and balances on her behind so she doesn't touch the grass - I'll have to get a picture of this and post it.  Or she crawls until she reaches the sidewalk and sits there instead.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Hats are always so cute on babies, I'm not sure why we all love them, but we do.  Here are a couple of pictures of Emily in different hats.  

We forgot our sun hat and so our good friend Blake lent us his beloved Michigan hat on our way to the park.  This picture is Emily's expression just as we got to the park.  She loves to swing and explore new places.  The hat was a little big, but still adorable!

This next picture is from today, Emily was tired as we were outside swinging before her afternoon nap.  I thought this was cute of her little grin as she enjoyed the swing.  

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Emily is almost 13 months old!

We decided to start a blog and see if this is a good way to share pictures and fun Emily news, updates and stories.  

This week we started and finished the Library Summer reading program.  On Tuesday we went to register for the program and explained we had been keeping track of how many books we have been reading to Emily because we know it started last Thursday.  I told the librarian we had read 72 books and she said we were done.  The program was for every 5 books you get a prize and after 20 books you get a free book.  So we're done!  Emily loves to be read to.  She has favorite books too, if I get out the wrong book then she shakes her head no until I find the book she wants to hear, or she hands me the one she wants (that is easier and includes less head shaking).  Her favorite books include "My Mommy and I," " Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You Hear?" and "Good Night Moon." 

Emily is getting very speeding pushing toys and is starting to steer them a little bit. 

Last night we counted how many words she says and stopped counting at 22.  She says new words every day, it's so fun!  Of course when we go places she is VERY shy and typically sucks her thumb and doesn't say a word.